NOW ENROLLING 'Learn to Cook Plants and Unlock Your Superpowers'

Wanna unlock your superpowers?

Learn to cook plants!!

A lifelong skill that will benefit you and your loved ones for the rest of your life!

Are you eating the rainbow?

If not you’re missing out on all the vitamins and minerals that can boost your energy and make you feel more at ease.

We’re not dieting, we’re just learning how to cook vegetables in new ways so we eat more of them.

Want those superpowers?

Clear skin, free of aches and pains, and more energy are just some of the superpowers you might experience. No matter your past or cooking experience level, you will gain valuable information from the ‘Cook to 100’ cooking class.

See you in the kitchen.

It was so fun! I am really enjoying it and feeling more empowered and more motivated to learning how to cook. You are very patient and kind and that makes me at ease. I was so proud yesterday.  Thank you so much!!
-Marisa (Cook to 100 student)

Visit if you want to learn more about this class.

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