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Visiting Cheese Museum Gruyères, Switzerland

After all the vegan talk, I have to be honest and tell you that I do eat cheese. I work as a chef in a Wine & Cheese store!!  All the cheeses are flown from France and Spain, and I have been really enjoying pairing cheese and wine, and educating customers on all the different cheeses of France. My favorite cheese so far- Petit Basque.

I can’t help but discover that the best diet, and for most things in life, the key is moderation. This is why I have adapted a balanced diet of dairy, meat, seafood, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. For me at least, my body feels best when I eat a balanced diet. Of course, it is vitally important to eat a diet heavy in vegetables and fruits to balance out the proteins. It is a life-learning process, to figure out what the best diet is for you, and I try to enjoy it as much as I can. And I try to help others enjoy it, too.

Recently, I had the great opportunity to visit Switzerland. Besides my indulges in the French patisseries, I had the chance to visit the Gruyères cheese museum- The Swiss Cheese. I love all those museum-y things, so I found it fun and eye-opening. I discovered these dairy cows are treated well with a buffet of different herbs and spice plants to snack from, which give creamy, alpine nuances to their cheese. I gained a greater appreciation for cheese overall, and the artisan at work.

Below is a picture of the sample given at the museum, three cheeses all aged for a different number of months. As they mature, the flavors concentrate more, and the nuttiness is more pronounced. The younger are mild and creamy with more floral attributes. Great experience!

Cheese sample and audio tour guide head set

From inside the museum, a snowy day

Storing the aged cheese
The small train stop that leaves every hour, no sooner!

Cheese and toast in the mountains. Not my favorite but had to try the local cuisine

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