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Poached figs in spiced red wine

I stuffed figs with walnuts and reduced about 1 cup of red wine with a tablespoon of flour, cinnamon, and a 1/4 cup heated honey. Cook the figs about 15 minutes to poach, then spoon the warm sauce over the fig for serving. And it I think must be served with vanilla ice cream and a piece of 75% dark chocolate. Too bad figs are just ending their season, try dried figs, should work out fine, just use less liquid.
Fried battered Shrimp with Sauce Tartare
Cheese Souffle
No, this was not my first souffle. In fact, my first souffle fell, probably because I opened the oven too early and the hot air escaped the souffle like extinguishing the fire in a hot air ballon. But, I went home and tried it a second time with smaller molds and I was happy with the result.
Next on the list- to rework the recipe to make chocolate souffle, green tea souffle, seafood, truffle, strawberry souffle. I got some ideas from a place in Paris that only sells souffles called, Le Souffle, and varies the types of souffle they make by the ingredients in season. You can watch a video to check it out from the link above.
Croissants et Pain au chocolat
Chocolat woman by a Spanish chef at the Chocolat exposition
Yes, its all chocolate, and its lifesize.
Pains aux Raisins
Next time I should make the pain au raisin a little thicker, by not rolling out the dough so thin. This way they dough will stay moister. The thinner the dough is the easier it is to dry out before the whole roll is baked.
This brioche above is the right shape despite its odd looking dimensions. But, then I remember I am in France, Eiffel tower and all that stuff that could remind you of Paris.

Tournedos de boeuf avec pommes frites et artichaut et sauce Bearnaise

I don’t think I ever will settle for thin fries except maybe In-n-outs after making my homemade pommes frites. A little more color on them would be better but fat fries like these are just too perfect to eat with steak. Well maybe a double frying could be better. . . yea thats what France has done to me but it some way it seems totally right.
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